Lakes Area Carpet Care, 763 Dayton Road, Reeds Spring, MO, 65737, business services, nec

U.S Business services Missouri Business services Missouri - List of United States Business services

Lakes Area Carpet Care

Company Name: Lakes Area Carpet Care
Status: Active
State: Missouri
Post: 65737
County: Stone County
City: Reeds Spring
Address: 763 Dayton Road
Phone: (417)337-0888
Fax: unknown
Contact Owner: Karla Schmueser
Web site:
SIC code: 738900 Industry group: Business services, Business category: Business services, Subcategory: Business services, nec
Overall: Lakes Area Carpet Care is a business categorized under business services, which is part of the larger category business services. Lakes Area Carpet Care is located at the address 763 Dayton Road in Reeds Spring, Missouri 65737. The Owner is Karla Schmueser who can be contacted at (417)337-0888.
Description: If all you want is a cheap, brush off the surface cleaning, please call someone else. Our method will give you the most thorough cleaning ever. The dirty traffic lanes will be gone. No spots will come back. You Will Feel Our Cleaning is the most thorough you have ever seen or we will clean it again FREE. If you are still not pleased, for any reason, we will refund your payment. As a family owned and operated business, their team understands how vital it is to have a carpet cleaning company you can depend on. Unlike other local companies, each member of their team is a trained cleaning professional dedicated to providing the best possible customer service.
Working hours: Mon to Fri 08:00AM-05:00PM

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