Red LaMore Body Co.
Company Name: Red LaMore Body Co.
Status: Active
State: Missouri
Post: 63119
County: USA
City: Webster Groves
Address: 79 N Gore Ave, Webster Groves, MO, United States
Phone: (314)962-4233
Fax: unknown
Contact Owner: ROBERT J. LAMORE
Web site:
SIC code: 738999 Industry group: Business services, Business category: Business services, Subcategory: Business services, nec, nec
Overall: Red LaMore Body Co. is a business categorized under business services, which is part of the larger category business services. Red LaMore Body Co. is located at the address 79 N Gore Ave, Webster Groves, MO, United States in Webster Groves, Missouri 63119. The Owner is ROBERT J. LAMORE who can be contacted at (314)962-4233.
Description: Since 1978 we have served Webster Groves and the surrounding St. Louis community efficiently and expertly. Our personalized service and friendly atmosphere have made us a trusted business for four generations. Thank you for your interest in our business; we look forward to serving you! Please call us at 314-962-4233 or stop by anytime Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. BBB has determined that LaMore Red Auto Body meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.
LinkedIn: 79 N Gore Ave
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